25 June 2013

The dare to do the new

We all have that one moment when we stand under the umbrella and look at the rain, wondering how good will it feel to simply step into it. We may most probably be under a roof, or under the umbrella, under its safety, that we simply look at the rain at sigh. Because when you want to do something different, lot questions arise. How difficult is it going to be? Where will I reach? Will I get what I want? Where is this leading to? What will others think? What will I do?

We are so immersed in the questions that we fail to take a step ahead. We prefer staying under the safety of the umbrella. But you have to realize that you are not meant to stay dry for the rest of your life. At that point all you have to do is throw away the cover you are holding, and simply walk into the rain.

At first it is going to feel good. But then you are not meant to stay there. To enjoy the rain you have to walk in it. It is not going to be easy. The rain will get harder. The wind will start pushing you backwards. The raindrops will be like bullets on your skin. People will look at you, laugh at you, call you a fool. They will laugh when you get pulled down, when you lose your step. They will say "I told you so" and stay under their covers. They will call you insane. But to enjoy the rain you have to walk ahead.

When the rain grows harder, you will find yourself in the flood. The flood with strong current and flow. But you have to move forward. It is going to be extremely difficult, but the more you push, the more you will enjoy it, because there is no more fun that doing what you like doing.

And when you struggle hard doing what you like to do, even nature will help you out. And finally you will reach the shore, from where you can look back at the people on the other side, the ones who laughed at you, staring at you and exclaiming, "He did it!" And you can laugh then, because when they could do it, you just did it!

But that is not all, for you have just crossed a lake. And now you are standing still. Ahead of you is a river, ahead of which is a sea, further is an ocean, further a planet, the solar system, the galaxy, the whole universe for you to cross. But it doesn't matter. Because you are not going to stop.

It is going to be more difficult. It is going to be tougher. But it is going to be fine. Because the universe wants you to do it. He who dares to do the new is the one who shall make a change. So all you have to do is run and jump, because my friend, there will come a time when you will look back at all the hurdles you have crossed, and you will say to your grandchild, "I had an umbrella once! I threw it away, and it made all the difference."

For it is better to be insane in an imperfectly sane world.

Thank you Robert Frost, William Ernest Henley, Paulo Coelho and Mother Nature for making me realize this.