26 March 2013

Condolences to a great person I knew

A few days back a person I knew passed away. She was a very charming person, who always kept a smile and made sure that we were on the right track. She was my teacher, a great person and loving friend.

I heard about her death last Sunday. I could say that I was shocked, but I wasn't. I couldn't find any meaning in her death. Her life was a great one, but it was just another lost life.

But in the past few days I have been seeing my college-mates and batch-mates posting pictures and condolences for her. In one of the posts, I read that she was pursuing her PHD, and was about to fulfill her dream of achieving it. Well, she didn't, so what has she done then? Hadn't she lost?

That's when I realized that she had won many things in her life. She had won a loving husband. She had won a great deal of students who will remember her forever. She had won a great deal of friends who would always go to see her, and will continue to see her every year (a promise a group of friends of hers made tat I came to hear about.)

You only get to live once, so it is important to live it completely and happily Life is not about achievements. Life is not about the many accolades, awards or successful activities you can win. Life is about what you have done for yourself and for the ones around you. Life is all about the love you receive and you give.

She has won a great life, by loving and by being loved. She has won a great life, doing what she wants to do. She has won a great life, which will make her be remembered among the ones she love, make them smile every time they think about her, just like how she is making me smile now.

Thank You, Ashitha Miss, for living a great life, enjoying it, and making me realize the worth of life.

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