02 April 2012

The three types of people and fear - Part 1

Let me start with a personal note. I was watching the famous Harishchandrachi Factory, a Marathi movie based on the famous man Phalke, the father of Indian Film Industry. I was so inspired from his life for he never gave up even in the toughest situation, and always smiled ahead of his troubles. The true story was so fascinating, but I got depressed as soon as I had a word about it to my mother. She suddenly quoted, “He is an idiot! What did he do apart from making movies? Back then it must have been possible, now it isn’t. His wife was a fool, he was a fool. Don’t learn from him.”

The whole conversation made me feel really bad, but later on I started to think deep about what she said. It was right around the time when I finished reading the famous book THINK AND GROW RICH by Napoleon Hills, which discussed about the fears faced by people and ways of successes anyone could achieve. Combining both the experiences, here I am, discussing the basic insecurities faced by people before any venture. Before starting, let me define the three kinds of people around us.

You know these people. You had been around them, and you are one of them. Who you are may be defined by the choice you take over what you want to do. The famous quote from the movie BATMAN BEGINS that says ‘It is not who you are underneath, but what you do that defines you’ is a statement well said and true by all means. Unless you are keen to show who you underneath, the world will define you on how you act in front of them. And in the general mode, we can define people into three.

Before getting ahead, let me state one more thing. These categorizations is purely something derived from my own context, fairly based on Napoleon Hills quotes and several other autobiographies, as those of Gandhi, Anne Frank, Jawaharlal Nehru and so on. Your concept over people may vary. The categorization that I am going to make is purely based upon moments when once has to take decisions.

With these in mind, let me start. You know people around you, and you know how you are to the rest of the world. Generalizing the whole lot, the three divisions of people are:

1) The Weak

These are people who are condemned to live the life in darkness, for they do not possess the courage to do what they have to do. Unfortunately, for these people, fate is much drawn by an internal negative force. They develop their insecurities by themselves and lie within the solitude walls, which condemn them to not move forward. There may be extreme talent within them, but they shall never posses the courage to break the walls and come out to the real world. These can also be people who live within the walls and are not able to see what lies out for them, thinking that what they have is what the best is. But their condition is not as worse as the second type of people.

2) The Downthrown

Now this category is quite special, for they possess the will to break free, but not the courage. These people, unfortunately comprises, the majority of people, which statistically counts to around 80% (13% held by the former category). The downthrown are those mostly influenced by the external negative force, which mostly includes the ones around them. The influence and power the downthrown gives to the one around them greatly affects the further decision they are meant to take for their lives. When this happens they are forced to live a life SUGGESTED by others, and regret in the end of their lives. As painful as it seems, unfortunately most of us follow this suite. The weak when possess the pain for them, the downthrown are forced to take decisions and made to live a cowardly life. And thus we call the third category The Strong.

3) The Strong

Now statistically this category holds just 7% and consists of the least number of people like them. But these are the movers of the society and developers of the world. They call themselves creative artists, innovators and what not, while all they do is listen to their heart ALONE and do what THEY FEEL IS RIGHT, which is a very important aspect for because when 7 out of hundred people stand up against the rest of the world, they are actually helping the rest 93 person by doing so. They defy rules, create charismas suit up for the good. It is these people that one has learned about in their textbooks, heard about from others with envy, seen through videos and felt through their acts of valor and just. Believe it or not, if you go through their life stories you will find one common link…listening to your heart.

Now that the three kinds of people are known, we can see the three types of fears that capture the heart of people. Stay tuned with us…

1 comment:

  1. That was simply because she never understood the true essence of making movies. She never has thought beyond the four walls around, as are many Indians around us.
