30 June 2011

A message for Kerala and India....

At once I had thought of typing a letter each to some of the political leaders, including the President and prime Minister of the state. The thought rose me in some time ago, and then as time passed, and as the government got changed in the state, I realized that there was no use for this action of mine, for no matter what I did or tried to do, the political scenario will all be the same

But I had to go out of the house, to see, hear, buy, sell and many other house hold and personal things, and the certain things had me bothering. So I thought, “Why not post it here where at least some people will read?” Because this is not just the thought of an individual, but a representative of the public. So here I go.

The first notice is for our beloved Chief Minister. The man who has proved to be one of the weak leaders we ever saw, and as many know, one of the best thieves too. It is by learning upon you that I learned that politics is purely business and robbery. I learned it from your actions over the management issues of catholic colleges and the Tsunami fund. And you have practiced well to blame others too. You are one of the worst leaders I have ever heard of.

Oh, don’t you grunt, Mr. Ex-Chief Minister! You were my favorite once, because you raised your voice for good (and gave us lot harthals). Thought you could make a change. But you got 5 years too, and what did you do? You became the first leader of the state who conducted a harthal. And you made lives miserable, and this time you got to blame the Central Government. The least you could do was bring out something good to the people, like making a rule to clean the roads or whatever. But you yourself are a spit shot. Have to admit, you are only good in complaining.

The ex-chief minister has got a friend, the man famous for his bullets in the suitcase. You have a big voice, but not a good mind. So scoot off. Communism was never busi9ness. Before 1950s, it was a about the well being of people. Not it is the well being of the communist people, and you brought that stand. It is high time you get lost.

Mr. Prime Minister! You are a great mathematician and economist, and a very good man. But I have to say, you are quite incompetent as a Prime Minister. I suggest you start working harder, because you are a good man, with the wrong ideas and mistakes you always commit. You have worked real hard in increasing the value of everything from fuels to medicines, and have managed to decrease the worth of Indian Money. You can do better than this. There is a lot profit that you people take, turning politics to business. Politics is not business, it is the idea of helping people. I guess you have seen only the business part because you are an economist. Please instead of working to glutton up your pockets, work for us, or at least allow us to work. One more mistake, and I, as others did, will despise you too.

And the saintly man of God! Get back to your ashrama stopping the fast and work for the people. Before talking about black money and telling that your money is white, I want you to donate at least half of it to the poor people around. Then you will earn my respect.

India is not a land a political or religious games. India is meant to be united. India is meant to be clean. India is meant to be the great country we have never experienced.

I have no other words to say, but there are something you top people can do. You can help clean the cities. You can help do the right things You can help reduce the price hike. You can help giving more employment opportunities. You can do anything.

The civilians too can do them, but then you will not let the middle class men rise up, will you? Change the attitude, so that we can also work without interruption, for the same country you are trying to destroy. Mark my words...Kalki will be reborn because of you people. Or maybe another Gandhi will arise to stop you discriminating acts.

This is the words from a simple Indian, who may respond once, for he is one among the many Indians you have ignored to see.

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