19 September 2024

Who is Superior: Man or Woman?

 These are some of the arguments I have been hearing for as long as I can remember:

"Men are just better than women in everything."

"Men are meant to be the head of the family/house/company/country."

"Women should be shorter than men so that they know their place."

"Women are not as good leaders as men."

So here are some facts:

England has had 63 monarchs over a period of around 1,200 years. But they only had one Golden Era, and that was thanks to Queen Elizabeth I.

Personally, not a fan of Indira Gandhi, but have to admit; she was the only Prime Minister worth admiring and fearing at the same time. Everyone else, including the current one, were never feared, and some were not even as admirable or formidable. 

Marie Curie still remains the only person to win two Nobel Prizes in two different sciences.

New Zealand, the country that responded best to COVID-19, was under the leadership of Jacinda Ardern at the time. (Not to mention how we in Kerala fared better compared to the rest of the country thanks not to the CM but to the Health Minister K.K. Shailaja)

The Indian Army, one of the most formidable armies in the world, found their greatest foe in a woman named Irom Sharmila.

Rosa Parks was a young child when she challenged racial segregation.

The first computer programmer was a woman named Ada Lovelace.

When you take literature, you will realize that men wrote epics, but women wrote works that resonated better with humanity. (In the modern era, you can see that men write tales of egoistic men, while women paint a picture of people with utmost accuracy. Which is why we have Animal on one side and Laapata Ladies on the other side.)

If you look into history, you will find even more women who baffled men and made them envious, because while men had to overpower the ones around them, all women did was do what they wanted to do.

Even science says that when it comes to longevity, surviving illness and coping with trauma, women come out on top.

What I understand is simple. A man can break down easily, but a woman has to be broken down. And even then chances are they will rise, which is what makes men uncomfortable.

Men know this. They have known this from the beginning of time. So they used religion to control them. When that no longer worked, they used manipulation. But now women are seeing through that too, so they use brute strength, the only thing they have left that is greater than that of women.

But soon women will find a way to overcome men's strength. What will man do then?