Man is a sensuous being. His eyes are made to
see. His nose is made to smell. His ears are made to hear. His tongue is made
to taste. And his skin, it is meant for the most amazing feat of them all, to
Some great philosophers have stated many things about feelings, but the one we all know is a simple sentence: SKIN DESERVES TO BE TOUCHED. And it is true. Sometimes everyone desires to hold the hair of the loved ones, to feel the smoothness of the skin over the lips, to feel the hand over the hand….to be lost in the world of wordless emotions. To be able to feel without having to depend on other senses.
But time has flown. And technology has given way to other senses rather than to the skin. They try to give more emphasis to the eyes, nose, ears or tongue, and give less importance to the skin. And when the skin is ignored, the other senses become dull, and people search for other sources of emancipating their senses. They find solace in drugs when they don’t find friends. They find solace in sex when they don’t find love. They find solace in what they shouldn’t for they find it not in what they have.
Parents have forgotten how much a kiss matters. Wives have forgotten how much a brush of lips matters. Husbands have forgotten how much closeness matters. Friends have forgotten the joys they get from each other. Lovers have forgotten anything beyond the bedroom. When the skin is devoid of feelings, man turns into a beast. He doesn’t turn into an animal, for an animal cares. He turns to a beastly machine that uses humans and adores materials.
Everyone deserves a hug. A hug can destroy voids. A hug can make love blossom. A hug can reassure friendship. A hug can create magic. A hug can lift pains and sorrows. A hug is a medicine, a cure, a drug everyone needs. A hug is a word from the universe, a way of it to say that we all belong to each other and we can ensure that further with a hug.
Man finds himself empty without compassion. He is lost, troubled, confused about himself. He needs an assurance, an assurance from his fellow mates who say “I’m here for you.” He needs the promise of togetherness. He needs love, care, console. He needs compassion. He needs a hug.
Everyone deserves a hug. The wife and husband should hug often. The lovers must hug often. The friends must hug more. The teacher should hug the student. The boss must hug the employee. One needs to hug and be hugged by another. It is an action of love and care, which requires no kiss, no words, no sex, no desire. A hug can evade the illness and evilness in people’s mind. A hug can create solutions to problems, answers to questions. A hug is a nod to love. A hug is the acceptance of one another. A hug is a step closer to the universe that binds you and me.
Everyone deserves a hug. You do. I do. We all do.
Everyone deserves a hug. Now. And later. And tomorrow. Every time and every day.
Who did you hug today?